Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The YELLOW flowers


Matthew 19:14

King James Version

14 But Jesus said, 

Suffer little children, 

and forbid them not, to come unto me: 

for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

Ever been visited by a couple of tiny angels?

The kind that tries to climb over your low gate?

With excitement in their hearts?

Well, I had a couple of such visitors today.

I was busy in the kitchen this afternoon.

When I heard some activity outside.

I hear children's voices, seemingly excited about something.

Turning to look, I found a couple of kids trying to climb over the gate.

Knowing I'd spotted them, they remarked, "There's the owner!"

I didn't send them away.

Merely cautioned they be careful not to fall.

At the same time, I asked what they wanted.

Oh, to pick some of the yellow flowers.

So, I just let them.

They opened the gate, and headed for the flowers.

Which were just outside our door.

And went back to my chores.

I expected those shrubs to have been "scalped".

After they've had their mad scramble, I went out to close the gate.

I noticed some flowers lay here, there, and everywhere.

So I gathered these up, and gave it to the "girl", who was having a hard time closing the gate..

Well, "she" was a boy, according to the other one.

But I swear he/she looked like a girl.

Much giggling went on among us all.

Okay, "she's" a boy.

Just that those long, curly locks fooled me a bit.

What were the flowers for?

They wanted to give it to a girl.

An "adult" girl.

"Like you," one boy told me.

And off they went.

Pajamas, and all.

Happy to give the flowers to a special girl.

Happy I allowed them to pick some flowers.

Happy to complete their "mission".

In no time at all, the little ones were gone.

But it lifted my heart, purifying my soul.

Knowing GOD had given me two strange visitors.

To an already strange day.

I could only smile, and count my blessings.

For I've never seen those boys before.

And usually, when someone like that visits, I really don't see them anymore.

In my strange life, I know when something unusual has happened.

When GOD's hand is in it.

And I acknowledge it as such.

All because those yellow flowers beckoned.

It's night time now.

I'll take a picture tomorrow.

That you may see what the little boys wanted.

Which also appealed to birds of all types.

And roving bees.

My famous yellow flowers.

Which I never planted.

Surely, my folks did.

They looked like every day flowers to me.

Not so, for the little ones.

Who thought it fit to give.

To an "adult" girl.

I hope she thanked them, touched at their gesture.

Marveling at their courage, and boldness.

If not moved by their excitement, at such a find.

Maybe she even gave them a gentle pat on their heads.

Would she be aware she's been visited by a couple of playful angels?

Who only sought to cheer, admire, and love.

Hebrews 13:2

King James Version

2 Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: 

for thereby some have entertained angels 



As I looked over this material SPIRIT and I wrote, I can't help wondering --

Did GOD send these "angels" because I wrote "EARTH is NOT mother" just over five hours ago?

After all, they showed up in the midst of my writing that article.

And pointed to those YELLOW flowers.

I wouldn't be surprised, if the LORD did.

Whether they're angels, or not, the fact remains:

GOD sends those He love, to those who love Him.

Pretty much like when He sent His "only begotten Son".

John 3:16

King James Version

16 For God so loved the world, 

that he gave his only begotten Son, 

that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, 

but have everlasting life.

If you're wondering how come I did not take a picture of the little boys, well, they were gone as soon as they came.

And now, for the flowers in question:

Related material:


GIFTS young people can BRING


Having a CHEERFUL heart


Image: Clipart Library

The YELLOW flowers

  Matthew 19:14 King James Version 14 But Jesus said,  Suffer little children,  and forbid them not, to come unto me:  for of such is the ki...